Tuesday, April 21, 2009

15 Months

Well, I'm a little late in posting these stats - afterall, Katelynn is 15 months and 5 days.

We went to see Dr. Hunt on Friday, where we received lots of good news. Katelynn is doing perfectly. Dr. Hunt has no concerns.

Here are her stats:

Katelynn is 25 pounds 12 ounces (87%), 31.5 inches tall (68%), and her head is 46.6 cm (71%).

As you know, she is running everywhere and getting into everything! She ♥'s to be outside and absolutely HATES to come in. She wants to do everything herself. She wants to walk down the stairs by herself, walk out to the car by herself, and never ever get in the carseat. She wants to go for a wagon ride, she wants a sippy cup of milk, and she wants to go outside! She wants to feed herself and she wants you to dip it before you give it to her. Chips need salsa, crackers need soup, fries need catsup, and so on. She wants to drink out of your straw, carry my purse, try on your sunglasses, close the door, open every cabinet and drawer, use the computer, talk on the phone - you know, the typical life of a fifteen month old.

Here are some of the many words and phrases she says:
Mom (and every variation of it)
night night
love you
see ya
bye bye
where are you
thats it
yabba dabba do (my favorite)

We are loving every minute and we know Grammy is enjoying her week here, too!


Jennifer Mullinax said...

hey isin't she only 15 months old? :) Love the pics

Sandy said...

Yes, her mom is crazy! :)
Thanks Jen! ♥

Jennifer Mullinax said...

hee hee!! :)

Natalie said...

Love you Katelynn!! I need to post Allison's 6 month stuff, we don't go to the doctor unitl May 4th, they had to move back our apt. date.